The Kingfisher
“How long would you wait for a second chance?” is the question asked of the audience by Javeenbah’s current production.
The answer is fifty years for the cast of The Kingfisher. This three-handed romantic comedy stars Chris Hawkins and Vivian Gian (pictured) with Graham Scott as the long serving / long suffering butler to Sir Cecil. When, after fifty years, Sir Cecil’s first love, Evelyn, unexpectedly contacts him and arranges a visit, strong emotions come to the fore all round.
With an elaborate set, full of detail, depicting the inside and outside of Sir Cecil’s estate in the English countryside, Sir Cecil tries to make up for the past 50 years by proposing to Evelyn for a second time; this time it seems luck is on his side. In the meantime the butler can see his idyllic lifestyle is doomed if he has to share his position as friend and confident with a lady of the house.
All’s well in the end as they reach a positive solution: Cecil and Evelyn agree to marry and the butler services are secure once again.
Roger McKenzie
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