King Lear (Online)

King Lear (Online)
By William Shakespeare. Melbourne Shakespeare Company. Directed by Ayesha Gibson. fortyfivedownstairs. Watch at Home: 4 – 18 August, 2021.

There has been a determination to see this performance come to fruition despite the continual last-minute changes to scheduling due to COVID. As a result, this formidable performance of Lear is available to view online. While the recording could be more imaginative and technically proficient, the numerous strong points of the production are perfectly captured. Evelyn Krape as King Lear is magisterial. Her rendition of his sense of absolute power has a blatant stubbornness which is infused with arrogance. This makes Lear less sympathetic as a character, but his plight is no less tragic. 

This production has a unique approach to casting which completely ignores gender and race with some outstanding results. The cast includes names which could be described as Australian acting royalty. Anthea Davis as Gloucester, Don Bridges as Fool and Kevin Hopkins as Kent put Krape in excellent company, and they are supported by some genuine acting talent in the entire ensemble. For example, Annabelle Tudor as Regan has a wonderfully spiteful disposition, Kayla Hamill as Edgar is able to transition from naivety to trauma in a truly profound manner, and Matthew Connell makes Edmund appear quite psychotic. 

The staging of this production also has some outstanding moments which treat the violence with a Godfather-like approach. The gouging of Gloucester’s eyes is a particularly chilling scene but much of the violence is beautifully orchestrated and choreographed. Each scene combines movement and lighting effects in a simple and striking manner, making the bloodshed extremely visceral. The atmosphere of the play becomes increasingly haunting as Lear’s realm dramatically implodes, and this is conveyed with an intense emotional force which is undoubtedly led by Krape. This magnificent and stylish production is well worth seeing in any context.

Patricia Di Risio

Watch at Home:

Photographer: Chelsea Neate.

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