K Mak at the Planetarium

K Mak at the Planetarium
Adelaide Planetarium. Adelaide Fringe 2025. March 1st-2nd, 2025

Kathryn McKee is the brains and talent behind the haunting and transcendent sounds and songs of K Mak. As you recline in your seat, you are plunged into darkness, before a kaleidoscope of images fills the space above and around you. A quartet of musicians on cello, violin, drums, and keyboards fill the Adelaide Planetarium with original songs, as the next hour transports you in a meditative haze.

Abstract illustrations of atoms and molecules transforming from the microscopic into the macroscopic universe. Shapes converting into rats, then morphing into fish. Jellyfish floating above and beyond. Striking Apollo launches shooting toward space. There is an abundance of imagery as far as the eye can see, focusing on our solar system with stunning results.

With no apparent storyline, the music stood alone and was more accompaniment to the slideshow. Emotive vocals filled the air, with each song teamed with a package of computer-generated images. The session I attended was met with some technical glitches but was forgotten quickly as our vocalist joked about the mishap and soon resumed order.

McKee has toured Australia and produced albums of her songs. Performing her works in the surrounds of the planetarium gave further depth to her compositions. With no obvious finale, the hour passed by quickly. It was a delight to the senses but deserved a bigger audience.

Kerry Cooper

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