Jerry’s Girls
Gold Coast Little Theatre has a smash hit in Jerry’s Girls, featuring some of the Coast’s most talented ladies. The show is a musical tribute to the music and lyrics of Jerry Herman, with show stoppers like ‘Hello, Dolly’, ‘Mame’, ‘I am what I am’, ‘I Won’t Send Roses and many more.
Bright and brilliantly dressed, this production brings back the golden era of the musical and is the perfect showcase for the talented cast to “strut their stuff”. The amazing ladies are Kirri Adams, Elisa James, Katrina Lardner, Deborah Leigh-Russell and Becky Morgan, with Teagan Beetham, Katie Grace, Erin Lardner and Abby Marchwycki dancing up a storm.
Director Kate Peters, a well known Gold Coast personality, has excelled with this production and the choreography of international performer Andrew Ross-Graham, has enhanced the 37 musical items of the show.
A glamorous set and the ladies dripping with sequins and feathers, this is an evening not to be missed and the Gold Coast Little Theatre is a fabulous venue suited to this memorable experience.
So “put on your Sunday clothes” and “tap your troubles away” because “the best of times is now” – at the Gold Coast Little Theatre.
Roger McKenzie
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