Hugh Jackman - Broadway to Oz
It was his home town. His father, wife, daughter and close friends were in the audience. Hugh Jackman sang and spoke as if he was in a small cabaret venue, not a vast arena filled with ten thousand disciples.
His rendition of I’ve Been Everywhere Man was most apt. His father took his family on endless road trips around Australia as children. The song’s lyrics includes the suburb where he was raised … Turramurra.
Hugh Jackman has been everywhere – and he has the full package to boot - the looks, the acting, the dancing and singing, but also so nice.
His revue dazzled North America three years ago. Back on Broadway became Broadway to Oz. In an arena there are many extras. There is the ubiquitous big screen, a spanking orchestra, nimble dance ensemble, choir and a crane for him to arrive as Peter Allen from the roof in a mirrored jump suit.
For the Wolverine fans – just a glimpse of his pumped body which he notes drips away by the kilogram when he performs his song and dance show.
What a contrast when he performed an ensemble of songs from The Boy From Oz. I don’t think Peter Allen was ever quite so camp on stage. The burley security guards surrounding the main runway were very good sports to receive his flirtatious overtures and even a kiss on a bald head.
Others more welcomed the attention. A female member of the audience got to dance with him and two young ballroom dancers were called onto the stage for some fancy footwork.
The finale – a rendition of I still call Australia Home – with a giant Australian flag unfurled across the floor was visually splendid and poignant. Peter Allen opened the Sydney Entertainment Centre in 1988 with a performance of this song. Now the Entertainment Centre is just a week from closing – as it is being pulled down for a convention centre and apartments.
Hugh Jackman recalled that his father was in tears when he heard the rendition 27 years ago. (See exclusive footage of this part of the show on the Stage Whispers Facebook page
There were other song routines and choreography to feast on. A stirring medley from Les Miserables, a movie musical medley including Singin in the Rain and I Got Rhythm, a beautiful Aboriginal interpretation of Somewhere over the rainbow with Clifton Tjapanangra Bieundurry and the highlight for me was a sneak preview of one of Hugh’s next big projects.
He’s playing Barnum in the movie musical The Greatest Showman on Earth. Hugh Jackman and the ensemble performed a song from the movie musical This is Me in striking bold white uniforms.
Few leaving the Entertainment Centre would argue that they just watched one of the greatest showman on earth.
David Spicer
Photographers: (top) James Morgan & (lower) David Spicer.
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