How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
How To Succeed in Business Without Really Tryingobviously had many people trying their utmost to make this show a success, A tight and fun version of this 1961 musical (based on Shepherd Meed’s 1952 book of the same name), it was engaging throughout.
Bright sixties costumes - coordinated by costume co-ordinator Cathy Puzey - helped establish the upbeat feel, while the set - including “working” elevators - was effective. Zoe Lyons produced a lighting scheme that was atmospheric, with Mike Rogers balancing the sound nicely. Musical accompaniment was provided by Musical director Kenn Ellis on piano.
Central character J. Pierrepont Finch was played with charm and self-awareness by James Pinnen, anchoring the show with professionalism and precision. He was nicely paired with Isabella Bourgault du Courdray, a young lady with a beautiful singing voice, giving a very likeable performance in what I believe is a community theatre debut.
Peter Bonner brought presence and power to the big boss J. B. Biggley, with Sian Dhu and Karen Godfrey stealing their respective scenes as secretaries Smitty and Miss Jones. Mark Thompson was an excellent nemesis as Mummy’s boy Bud Frump, and Lori Anders created a wonderfully unlikely, but completely believable, Hedy La Rue. Matthew Wake’s ‘narration' was excellent.
The staff of the World Wide Wicket Company worked well as an ensemble with solid performances from all, including Adam Bond (Mr Bratt), Matthew Wake (Mr Twimble), Vincent Moore (Messrs Tackaberry and Womper), Les Smithwick (Mr Jenkins) and Adam Anders (Mr Gatch). Pam Ogborne and Polly Bonner made loveable cameo performances as scrubwomen.
Singing (under the care of Vocal Director Merle Brown) was strong, and director Carole Dhu, doubling as choreographer, created routines that catered for a broad range of abilities.
The audience was clearly delighted with How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, which had a lovely vibe and warm atmosphere, a great feel-good show.
Kimberley Shaw
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