
Presented by Miranda Hill, Theatre Works and Midsumma Festival. Theatre Works, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda. 7-8 February 2025.

Homophonic! is a celebration of queer chamber music and is now in its 15th year. This year the poignancy of this event is especially palpable given the rise of a political climate that aims to marginalise queer folk. The importance of celebrating and acknowledging queer talent could not be more urgent. Homophonic! also features the extremely talented singers from the vocal ensemble, Consort of Melbourne, whose angelic voices help to bathe the audience in this uplifting experience. This performance insists on the idea that love is the antidote to hate, and Homophonic! delivers this in spades. Its resistance to bigotry is delivered with confidence, style, humour, and an abundance of good will. 

The lyrics of the opening number “Closets are for Clothes” by Sally Whitwell especially inspires queer people to be proud and refuse the pressure to hide in a closet. The delivery of this number is as amusing as the lyrics and sets the tone for a show that is literally full of fun and genuine affection. This year the Homophonic! Pride Prize has been awarded to Ashleigh Hazel’s “Mesophilic”, a piano composition that explores the stages of decomposition. The extraordinary execution of this piece by Jacob Abela highlights the way this music tests the boundaries of the instrument. The program includes some exquisite music from super gay icons of classical music and results in absolutely divine performances.

The commentary provided by Miranda Hill as MC is informative and amusing. Her observations about the quality of the music, the experience of the composers and the way that they negotiate their queer identity fosters a greater appreciation of the pieces and the performance. In Homophonic! Hill curates a journey that is always humble and edifying. The closing number arranged by Kym Dillon is a surprise finale that ends the show on a beautiful and buoyant note. It reinforces the idea that Homophonic! is an unstoppable force that generates nothing but positive, warm-hearted, passionate, and nurturing musical delight and energy.  

Patricia Di Risio 

Phoographer: Darren Gill

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