Hometown is an exquisitely beautiful new production from Spare Parts Puppet Theatre. Inspired by a story by Shaun Tan, this gentle play tells of a young girl living on another planet, who discovers that she is different from the loving family who raised her. She is faced with the difficult choice of remaining with those she loves or returning to the place she is from.
A wonderful story of acceptance and belonging, I viewed this show at a school showing late last year. The story was a little too complex and gently paced for those with the shortest attention spans, but the majority were enthralled with this alien style story, full of highly creative puppets, and warm, inspiring storytelling.
The puppetry in this production is particularly striking, with use of blacklight and aliens that are intriguing, varied and great fun. Designer Leon Hendroff has been especially creative. The three performers, Spare Parts favourite Bec Bradley, and writer puppeteers Amberly Cull and Nick Pages Oliver, have wonderful rapport and they are supported by a fabulous lighting design by Megan Fitzgerald and supportive composition from Melanie Robinson in a sound design by Lee Buddle.
A thoughtful piece of family theatre that should inspire lots of conversation - a great holiday treat that will appeal to a broad age range - and may especially resonate with teens. A moving little theatre piece.
Kimberley Shaw
Photographer: Tashi Hall
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