Here on the Flight Path

Here on the Flight Path
By Norm Forster. Directed by Kirstie Francis. KADS Town Square Theatre, Kalamunda, WA. June 9-24, 2023

Canadian playwright Norm Foster is becoming increasingly popular with Perth theatres and their audiences, and KADS’ Here on the Flight Path, is another solid little show to add to that list. 

Director Kirstie Francis has relocated the play to Melbourne, Australia, and the action takes place on the balconies of two 4th floor units. The set, created by Karen Woodcock and her partner who wishes to remain anonymous, nicely creates the veranda terraces of divorcee John and his three next door neighbours. The show’s lighting and sound design was created by Virginia Moore Price and Alex Tickner and serves the show well.

John Cummings is a casual philosopher, and we follow him over three years, meeting three successive next door neighbours Faye, Angel, and Gwen.

Chris McCafferty plays main character John, his natural delivery and charm being central to the success of this production. This is almost three successive short plays based on a central theme, and Chris manages to keep each act fresh as well as showing subtle and layered character development throughout.

Sarah House plays Fay, the first of three very different women occupying the flat next door. Fay has a very unexpected occupation and Sarah gives her intelligence, strength, and depth. 

Susan Meikle is great fun as budding musical theatre performer Angel, and deserved the mid act applause she receives, although she is a tad mature for this role and I found it difficult to believe she had a father of around 52 years of age. Nevertheless, a solid performance.

Sharon Menzies has perhaps the most difficult role, that of recently separated Gwen. A heartfelt portrayal, with depth and vulnerability, her story was a lovely way to finish the show.

KADS’ Here on the Flight Path is an enjoyable, easy to watch production that clearly entertained the audience. Well worth the trip to this lovely little theatre in the hills.

Kimberley Shaw

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