Hell in Las Vegas

Hell in Las Vegas
Adelaide Fringe – Nineteen Ten Rooftop Bar. 24 February – 10 March, 2022

Two women twist on a turning hoop, suspended over the floating floor, hands and legs thrust outwards, each woman moving smoothly around the single hoop without knocking off the other. Then there’s a thumping soundtrack to a singing devil, twirling his blazing firesticks and gyrating around the stage, working with his very receptive audience on all sides of the stage. ‘Australia’s Most Wanted (Magician)’, Steve Prior, has a clever but crude banter with the audience, with the audience laughing whether his magic works or not, even at the self-deprecation of his bombed jokes.

Chad Baker brings a relaxed comedy to his hell, comfortable with fire on the end of his trident and from his audience; his two skilled aerialists are also his equal. The devil’s sidekick also does a mean line in twirling his blazing sticks; and Prior combines sleight-of-hand and escapology. It’s a good mix of talent on one stage.

Photograph by Suzanne Elliott Boudoir.

It's a great venue for a fire-filled burlesque, magical, musical, escapology show that doesn’t try to fit into any single genre: there is a sequin wall, a shallow swimming pool (for this show, half-covered by the stage) and a great bar of cocktails, a wall of gin. It’s worth the effort to queue up for the lift that lifts you from the grimy street to another world on the rooftop.

There were first night nerves and technical issues, but the humour of Baker and his team make sure it doesn’t detract too much from the talent they’re showing.

Mark Wickett

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