The Hanky Code

The Hanky Code
Written and directed by Jarryd Prain. Fringe World. Ground Floor Comedy at the Terrarium, 99 St George’s Terrace Perth, WA. Jan 28- Feb 1, 2025

The Hanky Code is a one-man stand-up show that educates as well as entertains. Presented by Jarryd Prain, it tells us of the hank code, a code that developed in the 1970s, as a way for gay men to subtly signal their sexual preferences.

Performing in an intimate space in the Terrarium, a hidden gem of a place to grab a meal or drink before or after the show. Jarryd had the audience engaged and laughing heartily throughout. While perhaps predictably the audience was predominantly gay men, this show has plenty of laughs and learning for everyone (except perhaps the homophobic).

The code has developed from 10 colours to over 50 with patterns and fabric choices making a difference, so one should perhaps be careful as to what one has peeking from their pocket. Jarryd interrupts his stories with anecdotes, mostly hilarious and occasionally poignant, to create a show that really resonates.

A great way to unwind, this is friendly and fun comedy that works well.

Kimberley Shaw

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