
Written and Directed by Rhonda Burchmore. HOTA Gold Coast. April 1, 2022, and touring (dates below).

There’s every chance that if you look up entertainment in the dictionary, you will find Rhonda Burchmore’s name in the definition.

Celebrating 40 years as a STAwaRt of our industry, Rhonda was never going to let a little thing like a pandemic get in her way. Like most born entertainers, she needs to connect with an audience. It’s her very reason for living, her life’s blood, and she does it brilliantly. So, if the big shows aren’t happening for her, Rhonda simply creates her own.

She has three alternating shows on the go at present (and half a dozen more in reserve) and last night a packed audience on the Gold Coast gave her a well-deserved standing ovation for the wonderfully eclectic Glamazonia. Rhonda is certainly a Glamazonia, and always has been. I remember seeing her in Sugar Babies when she was head and shoulders above the rest of the cast, and I don’t mean just physically. I even created a role for her in the iconic Prisoner (PCBH) which she never got to do. I’m glad. She belongs on a stage, not a TV screen….no set is big enough to hold all that talent, passion and charisma. And even though there’s a fraction less energy this time around, she’s still a megawatt star.

The title is explained in the second half - which centres around Rhonda’s experiences in the jungle filming I’m a Celebrity – get me out of here. She’s a great raconteur and truly knows how to hold her audience. The stories are both wild and witty - though I’d hesitate to say delicious. Mostly though, Rhonda sings as only Rhonda can, including a couple of great point numbers written specially for the show. Her MD, the super talented Jack Earle, has pre-recorded the great arrangements with an 18 piece big band (and backing vocalists) and augments that with just himself and a superb drummer on stage. This leaves plenty of room for Rhonda’s famous personality and even more famous legs, not forgetting Tyrone and Taylor, two fabulous male dancers, superbly choreographed, who bring some much needed testosterone to the stage.

Amidst an eclectic mix of songs from many eras (“Roar”, “I am Woman”, A Pointer Sisters medley, some Abba … “Does your Mother Know” is a delight) the highlight for me was “They just keep Moving the line” - a great number from the fabulous TV series “Smash”. Rhonda’s voice sits right in the pocket and gives her a chance to belt impressively. It’s timeless, as most magic is.

In the second half, a sotto voce version of a Sondheim ballad, and a poignant ballad rendition of Cher’s “If I could turn back time” hit my emotional buttons – and, without question, her final offering; Helen Reddy’s “I am Woman”. Of course she is! Who could doubt it?

Rhonda is touring Queensland and then goes to Melbourne’s Chapel off Chapel over the next couple of months. You’d be silly to miss this glamorous cabaret star. She is pure entertainment.

Coral Drouyn

Tour Dates

April 8th Armitage Centre Toowoomba

April 9th The J Noosa

April 10th Moncrieff Entertainment Centre Bundaberg

(Then a Sydney run of a different show)

May 14th and 15th - Chapel off Chapel Melbourne


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