Girl, Shut Your Mouth

Girl, Shut Your Mouth
By Gita Bezard. PAANDA (Performing Arts at Notre Dame). Directed by Pip Hunter and Sophie Kelly. Prindiville Hall, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle. Nov 2-11, 2023

University based theatre company PAANDA (Performing Arts at Notre Dame) are frequently at their strongest performing young, new works, and they are in their element with Gita Bezard’s provocative work Girl, Shut Your Mouth.

Grace, Mia, Katie and Darcy are ordinary girls who talk about ordinary things like boys, school and music, but they live in an extraordinarily violent world. Katie has the chance to escape to a place where the people are welcoming and the drinks are all minty. Mia and Grace would like to go too, but is the price too high?

Sensitively directed and thoughtfully performed, Girl, Shut Your Mouth has a completely female identifying production team. Sophie Kelly gives us a feminine set design and familiar costuming that belie the serious subject matter. Lighting, designed by Rachel Calder is emotive and effective (although operation felt uncertain at the Preview), and Sound Design by Pip Hunter is well chosen and appropriate.

Jasmin Milne’s central character of Katie is self-obsessed and occasionally obnoxious, with a healthy dose of vulnerability that allows her to be likeable. Iona Venoutsos gives a genuine and effective performance as Grace - often a voice of reason. Hayley Perrin’s Mia endears herself to the audience and is played with depth and charm, while Charlotte Ismay is convincing as outsider Darcy in a well-drawn performance.

This edgy and impactful play goes to unexpected places, and our Millenial team are careful to give trigger warnings and provide information - which is a great initiative.

A well-directed and performed play that packs a punch. An hour of quality theatre. 

Kimberley Shaw

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