
Black Panther – in Concert Live to Film

Sydney Symphony Orchestra. The Concert Hall Sydney Opera House. 27, 28 29 July, 2023

The giant screen looming high above and behind the orchestra is bright with the brilliant costumes of the female warriors and the blue and gold title of … Black PANTHER. The Concert Hall hums with a different buzz. It’s not your usual SSO audience. There are more families, young couples, hipsters, groupies – all MARVEL fans, all chatting in expectation … and many eating popcorn!

Frankie’s Guys

SK Entertainment and David Michael Productions. Her Majesty’s Theatre, Adelaide. July 25th, 2023, and touring

Currently touring Australia, Frankie’s Guys, a London based group and a winner of London’s Best Tribute, the world’s number-one celebration of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons group, is making its Australian premiere. This ensemble of 10 multi-talented performers switches cast members in and out, and whilst different audiences may see different casts, all have impressive theatre credentials internationally, so a ‘Four Seasons’ sound is assured.


By William Shakespeare. Stray Cats Theatre. Directed by Karen Francis. The Fishtrap Theatre, Mandurah Performing Arts Centre. July 20-23, 2023

Perth and Peel have had the pleasure of a growing number of Shakespeare productions in the past few years, but we are rarely treated to the Scottish play. Stray Cats Theatre brought a particularly dark retelling of Macbeth to the Fishtrap Theatre for a short season.

The Wizard of Oz

Story by L. Frank Baum. Music & Lyrics by Harold Arlen & E. Y. Harburg. Background music by Herbert Stothart. Director: Heather Goddard (assisted by Vanessa Parkinson). Musical Director: Dean Mulholland. Presented by Warrnambool Theatre Company & Holiday Actors. Lighthouse Theatre, Warrnambool, Victoria. July 15-22, 2023.

It’s not often you see a piece of community theatre in a regional city that compares to the bigger budget, semi-professional shows that Melbourne produces.

On the Beach

Adapted from Nevil Shute’s novel by Tommy Murphy. Sydney Theatre Company. Roslyn Packer Theatre. July 18 – August 12, 2023.

New Australian plays rarely win the sort of epic production treatment given here to Tommy Murphy’s stage adaptation of Nevil Shute’s novel On the Beach. But it’s a big story, nothing less than about the end of the world – as nuclear fallout from an annihilated northern hemisphere advances on Melbourne in 1963.

Teenage Dick

By Mike Lew. Divergent Theatre Collective. Flight Path Theatre. Directed by Dan Graham. 20 July-5 August, 2023.

Mike Lew’s Teenage Dick is a funny and shocking high adaptation of Shakespeare’s Richard III. 16-year-old Richard feels like an outsider at Roseland High because of his cerebral palsy and his general inability to socialize. He wants to hold power over the school so he schemes and enacts a plan to become senior class president, but he falls into a cycle of megalomania as he destroys the people around him.

Musical Theatre Gala

Queensland Symphony Orchestra. QPAC Concert Hall, Brisbane. 22nd July, 2023

The ever-popular local host and conductor Guy Noble was again at the helm for this year's selection of musical theatre gems with the QSO in full flood not only as themselves but also as accompanists for the four guest vocalists. With twenty three items, including two overtures from successful musicals,


Book & Lyrics Tom Gleisner. Composer Katie Weston. Direction Dean Bryant. Arts Centre Melbourne, Playhouse. 18 July – 19 August 2023

At the Pine Grove ‘retirement home’ – understaffed, under resourced and run by a ruthless cost-cutter, Mrs MacIntyre (Anne Edmonds) – the inmates – sorry, residents – are frustrated, bored and depressed.  There’s just nothing to do, the food is terrible, cleaning and maintenance are minimal, and the carers, Gloria (Christina O’Neill) and newbie Ruby (Vidya Makan) really care and are always struggling to keep up.  But, as the company sings in the first big musical number, they’ve ‘Nowhere Else to Go’. <


Created by Simon Phillips and Bernadette Robinson. Directed by Simon Phillips QPAC Playhouse 20th-23rd July, 2023, then Sydney Opera House and Arts Centre Melbourne.

If you find it impossible to conceive of the idea of Miley Cyrus side by side on stage with opera’s Maria Callas, then you are clearly not a devotee of the amazing Bernadette Robinson. Ms Robinson launched her new show Divas in Brisbane prior to upcoming seasons at Sydney Opera House and Arts Centre Melbourne, and, as always, awed her audience with her astounding vocal talents.


By David Eldridge. Moonspark Productions. Pip Theatre, Milton, Brisbane. July 13 – 29, 2923

Step into the cozy and intimate world of Beginning by David Eldridge, a heartwarming play that takes place in the aftermath of a housewarming party. Presented at Pip Theatre, Milton, this two-hander one-act play provides a realistic and surprisingly touching inside view of the awkward first steps of new love. With Crystal Arons as the confident and captivating Laura and Jesse Blachut as the awkward yet endearing Danny, the show explores the vulnerability and hopes of seeking a real connection amidst life's baggage and the world of online dating.

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