Getting to Know Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma!
Bel Canto Performing Arts is presenting this cut-down and accessible version of Oklahoma! with 42 young performers aged from 8 to 17.
The show opens with Curly's iconic “Oh What A Beautiful Morning” like the original version. Blake Jenkins’ excellent portrayal, laconic confidence and beautiful voice set the standard for what proves to be an impressive little show.
Curly is romantically linked to Laurey, played with copper curled charm and a lovely voice by Sarah Ganon. The rival for her affections, Jud Fry, is played with dark, brooding threat by Michael Phillips. Yasmine Caldwell brings maturity and wry humour to Aunt Eller, in a lynchpin role.
Ryan Boultbee is a likeable and sweet Will Parker, working nicely with Ariannah Tilli’s dynamic Ado Annie. Toby Crestani is earnest as Ali Hakim, while Sienna Freeman gives Gertie a grating giggle in a gorgeous performance. Declan Marley plays Ado Annie’s father Cord Elam nicely.
Good support from a strong group of young men - Jordan Cirillo, Aaron Caldwell, Denver Hovercraft, Adrian Menner, Matthew Jorritsma and Christopher Jorritsma. A beautiful quartet - Kady Scott, Chloe Pibworth, Ashley Elliott and Kaitlin Sonnendecker give pretty vocal support to Laurey, and Bella Freeman is lovely as June. A strong ensemble, kids chorus and support performers bring life and energy to this short and sweet little show.
Dancing is particularly impressive, as this young cast nicely execute Matilda Jenkins’ choreography.
GTK Oklahoma!’s set is largely recycled from Old Mill’s recent production of Last Cab to Darwin, and despite the locales being half a planet apart, it is an excellent fit. Fitting projections are designed by Blake Jenkins, and lighting nicely designed by John Woolrych.
As well as being a great learning experience for its cast, GTK Oklahoma! is a wonderful way to introduce young audiences to classic musicals. This is a nocely presented show that belies the age of its cast and will be enjoyed by musical lovers of all ages.
Kimberley Shaw
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