
By Matthew Arnold, Samuel Ireland and Max Gipson. Songbird Theatre Company. Fringe World. Directed by Matthew Arnold. Biology, The Girls School, East Perth, WA. Feb 1-6, 2022

Freeze, the debut performance from Songbird Theatre Company and augers well for a bright future for the fledgeling organisation, which aims to tell “captivating, poignant and visually striking stories”. This production certainly achieves those aims.

Performing in the intimate ‘Biology’ at The Girls School, a built-up stage, nicely evokes an ice lake in the Arctic circle, where a man has taken his granddaughter to tick off a bucket list wish to see the Northern Lights (coincidentally the second show with a Northern Lights theme in this space in a week). Unexpectedly, the pair

Beautifully bizarre, but with some lovely messages, Freeze has lots to say about familial connections, environmental issues and the importance of memory, and the story is touching and (despite its unlikely plot) sincere. Beautiful performances from Kingsley Judd as Grandfather Otto, Kira Feeney as grandchild Charlie and Rebecca Collin as the Fish. The three have a lovely rapport and there is a wonderful sense of discovery throughout.

The snowy set created by Matthew Arnold and Jasmin Valentini serves the show well and is well lit by a design from Samuel Ireland. Costumes created by Jasmin Valentini and Felix Campanovo work nicely.

The show, apparently, is completely underscored with composition from Joshua Haines. Unfortunately, over the roar of the air conditioner, I could not hear music, or any of the sound design from Max Gipson, although the air-con does create a plausible arctic wind. This may vary depending on where you sit, but I am hoping that at some point, there will be a second run of this show, so that their work may be appreciated.

Freeze is a heart-warming production with some great ideas, and even without its intended underscore is a show that is a lovely gift to its viewer.

Kimberley Shaw

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