
No Love Songs

Songs by Kyle Falconer. Book by Laura Wilde and Johnny McNight. Produced by Rodney Rigby and Neil Crocker. Foundry Theatre, Sydney. Opening Night: March 12, 2025

Gripping and intense No Love Songs is a piece of theatre which gives a powerful insight into the joyous highs and desperate lows of a new relationship.

The music comprising tender ballads and rock anthems is vibrant, with the story real and raw.

I went into the show a little blind about its trajectory and when it dived into the subject of post-natal depression, I was left feeling like I was standing on a cliff, because my plus one had gone through a similar experience.

Complete Works: Table Top Shakespeare – Othello / Henry IV Part 2 / The Merchant of Venice / A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Presented by Forced Entertainment for the Adelaide Festival. Space Theatre, Adelaide. 8-16 March 2025

The presentation of every Shakespeare play continues with a mixture of tragedy, history and comedy, with a little controversy thrown in. The format remains the same - the only living performer being the narrator, whilst all characters are played by bottles of olive oil, cans of fizzy drink, or a pocket torch. The language is plain English, not Shakespearean, which makes the stories accessible, even if at the cost of the comfort and complexity of the Bard’s rhythm and style.


By Patricia Cornelius. New Ghosts Theatre Company. Old Fitz Theatre, Sydney. March 11 – 21, 2025

On mattresses in squats three young people struggle and scheme to get their next fix – their illusions of love soon proving just part of the game.

Patricia Cornelius’ double award-winning play from 20 years ago returns as part of the Old Fitz’ Late Night program, with her profile of damaged, already cynical victims at the bottom of the heap whose back stories, beyond the grimy present, Cornelius doesn’t even both to flesh out. 

Tales from Asteroid b-612: An Original Magic Show

Presented by: Clement Kwok, Aby Thomas & Em Chandler. Adelaide Fringe Festival 2025. Adelaide Magic Theatre at The Lost Dice, Adelaide. March 11 to 15 2025

I grew up with magic. My uncle was one of Adelaide’s finest magicians and while he wouldn’t explain all his secrets, he told me a few, and what to look for. So, I was keen to see what Tales from Asteroid b-612: An Original Magic Show was all about.

Upstairs at The Lost Dice is a little room called the ‘Adelaide Magic Theatre’. Its intimate, so all the better to see magic up close and personal.

Dennis and The Dazzling Dentistry Facility

By Connor Gale. The Butterfly Club, Melbourne. Mar 11 – 15, 2025

A visit to the dentist is often a  painful experience and usually very  costly. Dennis and The Dazzling  Dentistry Facility,  written and  directed by Connor Gale, is a  clever  satirical play inspired by the  Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory films . Set in Melbourne, it mocks the recent privatisation of the dental industry and shines light on the widening  financial gap between  the rich and poor.

Smile: The Story of Charlie Chaplin

Adelaide Fringe. Circulating Library at The Courtyard of Curiosities at the Migration Museum. 11-23 March 2025

Silent movie music, a title card on a screen – then a thin man in baggy pants and tight jacket walks out, a hat sitting atop curly hair, and a trademark moustache perching on his expressive mouth. It couldn’t be anyone other than Charlie Chaplin, and Marcel Cole has captured his look and movement perfectly.

Road Blocks

By Katie Lee. Glass Road Productions. Fringe World. Directed by Zoe Nichols. Evergreens, The Leederville Hotel, WA. Feb 6-8, 2025

Artie is an actor, but a struggling one, and we follow Artie through all the roadblocks that she encounters, as she endeavours to become a successful performer.

Presented by Glass Road Productions, a female led theatre company from Victoria, this solo piece was admirably performed by Clare Regan, whose honesty and commitment to the role made me believe this was autobiographical until I read more about the show,

Come From Away

Book, Music & Lyrics: Irene Sankoff and David Hein. Red Tree Theatre, Tuggerah, NSW. March 8 – 23, 2025

Come From Away opened at the Red Tree Theatre, Tuggerah last Friday night.  It showcases the wonderful true story of how the community of the small Canadian town of Gander opened their hearts and homes in the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks.  The unexpected arrival of 7,000 stranded passengers and flight crew, the “plane people”, was the direct result of US airspace being closed and 38 international flights being diverted to Gander International Airport.  Suddenly the population of the small town has almost doubled in size and the “p

Club Amour

Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch & Terrain Boris Charmatz. Adelaide Festival 2025. Festival Theatre. March 10th – 16th, 2025

Image (above): Café Müller © Oliver Look. Image courtesy of Berliner Festspiele

The late and great German choreographer and dancer Pina Bausch was appointed as the director of Wuppertal Ballet in 1973; she renamed the company Tanztheater Wuppertal and revolutionized modern dance in the process. Even after her passing in 2009, her works are celebrated and performed all over the world.


Presented by Butch Mermaid Productions. Adelaide Fringe Festival 2025. The Courtyard of Curiosities at the Migration Museum, Adelaide. March 11 to 16 2025

Antonio is billed as a ‘queer pop punk pirate musical’. Add a liberal sprinkling of Shakespeare and you have a production that goes where no show has gone before!

With a cast of 5, all playing multiple instruments, the pirate cast of Antonio sings up a storm on the high seas (or the Migration Museum). It is a song cycle of sorts set to punk rock. There’s a bit of everything in this production, comedy, slapstick, audience participation and most importantly songs with music by Ania Upstill, William Duignan, and Andy Manning.

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