
2 Marys

Written and directed by Suzanne Ingelbrecht. Midland Junction Arts Centre, WA. Jan 14-16, 2022

Beautifully acted by two very strong performers, this World Premiere production tells a story inspired by the relationship between Mary Shelley and her friend Mary Diana Dods, an illegitimate daughter of the Earl of Morton who wrote as David Lyndsay and assumed the identity of aristocrat Sir Walter Sholto Douglas in order to marry another friend, Isabella Robinson, who was pregnant and had been abandoned.

Me, My Cult and I

By Colin Ebsworth. FringeWorld, The Goodwill Cub at the Recabite, William St, Northbridge, WA. Jan 14-Feb 13, 2021

Originally advertised as playing just three performances until January 16, the clear popularity of Me, My Cult and I has led to a ‘return season’ late in the FringeWorld festival.

Colin Ebsworth’s parents were matched by Reverend Sun Myung Moon and married in a mass wedding ceremony with thousands of other couples in in Madison Square Gardens. Born in Alabama, Colin grew up in Perth, as part of the Unification Church, colloquially known as the ‘Moonies”.

Arty Facts

By Trevor Todd. Much Productions. FringeWorld. Directed by Jane Sherwood. After Dark, Pier St, Perth WA. Jan 16-25, 2022

Have you ever wondered what the subjects in your favourite portraits are thinking? Arty Facts, presented by Much Productions for FringeWorld, is a little show that attempt to answer that question, as we meet the people in the pictures, in a series of comedic vignettes.

Playing well in the intimate space of After Dark, three performers don a variety of quick costumes - and are usually instantly recognisable as the artwork. 

Russell Morris: The Real Thing

Concert Hall, Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC), Brisbane. 15 January 2022

Russell Morris won't like this review because I am going to describe him using a word he hates: 'icon'. But to me, he is an Aussie music icon because, like most of his compadres from our music industry from the 1960s to present day, he's highly underrated and has had to adapt to survive in an industry that would really rather he had success overseas. Instead he chooses to stay in Australia and reinvent himself to continue to work.

Sh*t We Like To Sing - Unfiltered

Broken Crayon Productions. Directed by Dylan Dorotich. Connections Night Club, Northbridge, WA. Jan 14-20, 2022

FringeWorld is back, and with it two new ‘episodes’ in what has become known as the “Sh*t Show”. The first of these is Sh*t We Like To Sing - Unfiltered, featuring an all female line-up and set at a sleepover.

Great work from the pyjama clad performers, Dylan Dorotich, Grace Johnson, Shannon Rogers, Danielle McDonald and Charlotte Louise.

Garrick Theatre’s Debutante Director One Act Season

By Eddie Zipperer, Barbara Weichmann and Peter Manos. Directed by Matthew Roberts, Adam Giltrow, Kailem Mollard and Roxanne Moore. Garrick Theatre, Guildford, WA. Jan 13-22, 2022

One Act Seasons in Perth used to be a very common pathway for emerging directors. Garrick has revived this tradition for their first season of 2022, with three very different plays, directed by four first time directors.

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

By Edward Albee. State Theatre Company SA. Drama Theatre, Sydney Opera House. Sydney Festival. January 13 – 23, 2022.

Edward Albee was highly prescriptive about how his plays were cast and staged, as was his estate after he died in 2016. And nowhere was this more so than with this famous American all white classic of the 1960’s.

So it’s a happy surprise director Margaret Harvey was able to cast three actors of colour with one Anglo Australian in this State Theatre Company SA update  – adding race to lurk in the gladiatorial epic between the four this one drunken night.

Aufbruchsgeister - Departing Minds

Written and directed by Bello Benischauer. Existence Theatre. Old Customs House, Phillimore St, Fremantle, WA. FringeWorld. Jan 14-22, 2021

Existence Theatre’s Departing Minds is a highly physical, ethereal piece of theatre that asks the audience to examine their beliefs and perhaps their existence.

A group of people scattered around the world are afraid of losing their freedom, so with the help of a mysterious phone ap, they leave their old lives behind, and escape to a forest. Once together they realise that despite their shared feelings, they actually have little in common, and they are forced to face themselves.

Triple X

By Glace Chase. Sydney Theatre Company. Wharf Theatre. January 8 – February 26,

My sister reckons that contemporary plays, especially Australian ones, rarely tell happy love stories. I’ll suggest she go to Triple X for an update on the genre.


Written by Matt Cox. Original incidental music Brian Hoes. Directed by Mitchell Walsh. Spotlight Theatre – Gold Coast. 14th – 30th January, 2022.

Yes, we’re in the midst of a pandemic, but if you think there’s nothing left to laugh about, you clearly haven’t seen Puffs, a high octane homage to Harry Potter movies (without the copyright or royalty issues). It’s living proof that chaos doesn’t have to be a downer!

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