#FirstWorldWhiteGirls: Botox Party!
Welcome to #FirstWorldWhiteGirls: Botox Party!
This show is for the female who has everything but a conscience, hosted by the glitzy-sassy-glam girl Tiffany (Judy Hainsworth) and her co-host the ditzy-chic Madison (Meggan Hickey), ready to take their party (audience) on a journey into their rich and vacuous world.
“Freeze your face” is the catchy chorus line from their opening song – “Botox Party” - performed with facial stiffness perfection.
Sugar coated songs, all written and composed by Judy Hainsworth, take everything to the extreme and move it to the hard-edge with sassy glee.
The cute and frothy song “Summer Never Ends” is a jeering dig at climate change - “No need to scuba dive because all the fish are dead… so just grab some polar ice and put it in your drink”. Throw in some world politics, because the politicians don’t care and a splash of celebrity knowledge, almost as good as Kim Kardashian’s new product range Narcisstic for those who have everything and more.
Do not forget to attend to your labias ladies because after “Labiaplasty… guys will find you a real catch with your new snatch”. Hickey and Hainsworth confront the ageing woman conundrum with a refreshing light-hearted sharpness.
“I am a unique snowflake” is a jab at the over-protected millennial generation, yet all of us first world white girls love our smashed avo and we all need three cars for our two car garage. Opulence and over indulgence means everything to Madison and Tiffany and so why not just be a faux celebrity with a black baby to match your designer handbag. Can we make a casual racist a fashion statement? Or do we continue laughing at the pussy grabbing Trump incident and attend our Farmers Markets with a clear head?
This show is a cocktail blend of cultural and political social commentary with cabaret songs and tizzy dance routines, accompanied by the sidelined pianist who is thrown in to the mix. Include audience participation and prizes and pop those corks for more bubbly and don’t forget to include the satirical squeeze of the lemon-twist.
I highly recommend this show.
Flora Georgiou
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