Exceptional Us
Exceptional Us is a compilation of two one act plays, presented by Stirling Players Youth Theatre Group. The 11 -15 year olds performed with great energy, enthusiasm and teamwork, to a very receptive audience.
The Exceptional Childcare Centre, by Dale Schrifin, tells of a young boy accepted into a highly competitive preschool. He is given a one day trial in order to secure his place, but things go rather awry.
Dan Cutler gives the central role of Reggie great depth and clear thought processes. Kate McCracken is gorgeous as highly stressed over-achiever Susan, while Isobel Green brings nuance to the disturbed and dark Ziva. Cameron Taylor and Sean Smith work nicely together as brother Aiden and Frankie, while Sophie Flanigan provides good support as teacher, Ms Patterson.
Played on a bright kindy set, designed by Julia Jarel and featuring lighting by Ian Wilson, this show was a very promising directorial debut by Liz Pemberton.
Andie Holborn directs the second play, an allegorical story about border walls, Us and Them by David Campton.
Narrated and observed by a recorder, played with conviction by Lucie Gray, two very similar groups migrate to a new place and build a wall to keep each other out.
Excellent ensemble work from all of the young performers, Group A - Sinan Wehrli, Georgina Ferraira, Edward Last and Bronte Connell, and Group B - Callum Coull, Athan Eleftheriou, Liam Fowlie and Cameron Clear.
Lovely use of colour, in a creative, well presented play.
Both plays will perform at the Independent Theatre Association’s YouthFest, to be held at St Norbert College this weekend.
Kimberley Shaw
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