Erth’s Prehistoric Aquarium

Erth’s Prehistoric Aquarium
Erth. Adelaide Festival of Arts. Norwood Town Hall. March 10th – 13th, 2016

With Erth’s Prehistoric Aquarium, Puppetry Company Erth bring to life the prehistoric underworld, to the delight of many young eyes.

The audience is greeted by a large man in a bright yellow suit, who does very well to seat the audience and conjure up excitement for the show to follow. He, along with marine biologist Catherine, eagerly guide us through the history and fascinating ecological facts of an ancient time, introducing an enthralling educational element. Both hosts have a charming manner and are well received by the audience.

A cyclorama is lit with projections detailing the first signs of life billions of years ago. Listening to technical terms for these creatures and a serene soundtrack, we are transported to an underwater oasis. Inviting six lucky children from the audience to help her investigate, Catherine directs them to the back of the aquarium, with sometimes unscripted and hilarious results.

What follows is truly a thing of beauty. Manually operated creatures are brought to life, gracefully moving around the stage. The crowd’s reactions are sublime; children gasping and giggling as they became part of the show.

Puppeteers wear blacks so they are not seen, but the skill with which they operate these beautiful creatures is a work of art, including the incredible capacity to move them above the audience.

I have never seen such a strong reaction to a performance aimed at the younger demographic.

Educational and visually awakening, this show is truly immersive and a must see for any future palaeontologists.

Kerry Cooper

Photographer: Heidrun Lohr

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