Empathy Training

Empathy Training
Written and directed by Brendan Black and Martin Chellew. La Mama Courthouse, Carlton. April 12 - April 17, 2022

This play pokes gentle fun at the attempt to lead four high-profile, self-absorbed people to understand the impact of their actions and choices on others. They have been forced to do empathy training and the process used to try to develop some understanding in them forms the content of the play.

There are four training particpants - Winston (Peter Hatherley) and older politician, and clergyman and any number of other important things; Cynthia (Julie Arnold) a fashion icon and successful businesswomen; Maddysyn (Emma Snow) an online influencer and entrepreneur and Tucker (Alex Thomson) the highest goal scorer in the AFL.  These characters are well drawn, with a solid dollop of caricature. As the play progresses they form a variety of alliances and split apart again as their own interests re-emerge. The actors did a very competent job of energetically bringing them to life and engaging each other and the audience in their world views and difficulties.

The role of the psychologist, Sarah (Davita van der Velde) who has the job of guiding the individuals in the group into some semblance of empathy, is less well written. Unfortunately, her character is not overly coherent with wild swings between petulant point scoring and hankering to belong with the group. The character’s written lack of gravitas and insight made it difficult for Davita to find a coherent approach to her character’s role.

While the characters are considering their lives, there are many funny lines and ‘gotcha’ moments as the play touches on feminism, ageism, sexual identities, politics, and various forms of exploitation.

The end arrives, in a somewhat contrived way, with some satisfaction and feeling that there has been some growth and insight.

Ruth Richter

Photographer: Darren Gill

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