Eleanor: An American Girl in Hitler's Germany
Eleanor: An American Girl in Hitler's Germany, an international show at WA's Fringeworld, is written and performed by Ingrid Garner, based on the memoirs of her grandmother Eleanor Ramreth-Garner.
An outstanding performance, Ingrid Garner is a passionate performer who brings her grandmother's story to life with love, warmth and intensity in a captivating story that has the audience on the edge of their seats.
Partly a disturbing story about life in Berlin during World War II, and the particular challenges of being American in Germany, the horrors of the war are balances with a beautiful coming of age story and the beauty of Eleanor's personality, drawn lovingly by Ingrid Garner, a thoughtful and lovely actress.
This is a show that moved me considerably and I have been motivated to seek out the autobiography on which it is based. Eleanor's Story: An American Girl in Hitler's Germany, is available on Amazon.
Eleanor: An American Girl in Hitler's Germany is a festival must-see for lovers of great story-telling and intelligent drama, I also recommend it for high school history students and young actors — a wonderful example of great craftsmanship.
Kimberley Shaw.
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