
By Kaitlin Tinker. The Blue Room Theatre and Acid Tongue. Blue Room Theatre, Perth Cultural Centre, WA. April 21-May 7, 2022

Earthside, written and performed by Kaitlin Tinker, is the moving story of birth trauma, but played out as a retro-space journey. Aligning the story of her birth with the experiences of Ellen Ripley in Alien, this is a highly emotive, but also clever, and at times, quite funny production.

Nicely directed by Libby Klysz, the audience are welcomed to this space journey by performer Kaitlin for an hour-long journey into the unknown. The space analogy is continued into the programme and pre-show announcements - and is a clever one - as we realise that birth and space exploration are both areas where people have pre-conceived expectation, but many have no real experience. Astronaut costuming by Kaitlin Tinker, and a wonderful retro-space set constructed by Eoin O’Briain, help to draw us into this world - and a clever lighting design by Chris Donnelly and expertly integrated audio visual and sound design by Jeremy Turner make this a complete experience.

Cleverly plotted, with some great surprises and Alien references, at its heart, this is the story of birth trauma, and the devastation and impact that can bring. Kaitlin tells her own story, which is compelling and impactful but is also a reminder that (according to a 2020 study) 33% of Australian women identify as having a traumatic birth, with one in ten emerging with post-traumatic stress disorder. As we read in the program, despite these statistics, the Australian Birth Trauma Association and support groups like Mother-Baby-Nurture, are critically underfunded, and no in-person support for people with birth trauma in Western Australia.

Sensitively and cleverly performed, Earthside’s message brings a largely unrecognised, barely spoken about, but important issue to a wider audience, through a strong theatrical experience. Well worth a look.

Kimberley Shaw

Images: Writer, Kaitlin Tinker, Performing in EARTHSIDE. Directed by Libby Klysz,

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