

By Lz Dunn. Presented by Arts House as part of Dance Massive. 17 – 19 March, 2017

Conceptualised and lead by Lz Dunn in collaboration with sound artist Lawrence English, choreographer Shian Law and dramaturg Lara Thoms, over an 18-month period the team worked across Australia, engaging local artists as co-performers. Dance Massive 2017 brought the show to Melbourne for three days from 17 to 19 March.

Rufus Wainwright

Prima Donna - a symphonic visual concert and Rufus does Judy. Festival Theatre. Adelaide Festival. 18th March 2017

As a novice to the talents of Rufus Wainwright, I arrived at the Festival Theatre not sure what to expect. On seeing a full house of excited attendees, my curiosity was piqued. What a joyous surprise was in store! Not only is Rufus Wainwright a talented and versatile artist, but he is a composer of modern contemporary music and of classical opera. The juxtaposition of presenting his opera Prima Donna, followed by excerpts from his Rufus does Judy show, was stark but uplifting, and reinforced that music as a language is universal in its many forms.

The Vicar Of Dibley

By Ian Gower and Paul Carpenter adapted from the original TV series by Richard Curtis and Paul Mayhew-Archer. Wyong Drama Group. Directed by Madeline Parker and Alexandra Travers. The Art House, Wyong. March 17-25, 2017

In one of those bizarre twists of nature, this reviewer somehow managed to completely miss the Dibley Train when it pulled into the ABC station all those years ago. While a lot of English Sitcoms rate very highly in my top 40 TV shows of all time, quite a few cult hits are missing. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for it really. So this review comes from the freshest of perspectives on the piece.

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

Script: Rachel Sheinkin. Music and Lyrics: William Finn. Midnite Youth Theatre Company. Directed by Gregory Jones. Subiaco Arts Centre, Subiaco, WA. 15-18 March, 2017.

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, as presented by Midnite Youth Theatre Company, is a feel good, rollicking good time.

Six competitors, and four audience members, compete to be the best speller in Putnam County. A lovely insight into some truly quirky middle school kids, who despite this being a ‘youth’ company are played by adults.


By Nick Payne. Queensland Theatre. Bille Brown Studio, Brisbane. 9 March - 9 April, 2017, then on tour throughout regional Queensland.

British playwright Nick Payne's internationally successful play is in the spotlight here in Queensland with an original production eloquently introduced in the programme and directed by Kat Henry.

Absent Friends

By Alan Ayckbourn. Lilydale Athenaeum Theatre (Vic). March 2 – 18, 2017.

It is fantastic to see an amateur theatre company reveling in the words of Alan Ayckbourn. Lilydale Athenaeum’s current season, Absent Friends, is one of his lesser-known works.


By Evan Placey. Australian Premiere. New Theatre, Newtown (NSW). March 16 – April 15, 2017

Classrooms out there are a sexual minefield for naïve teachers.

Consensual shows schools bristling with hormonal teenagers, porn savvy through social media, bullish, even assaulting and yet all pumped up about their rights.  And that’s just the girls.

British writer Evan Placey puts Diane (Lauren Richardson) right in the middle of it, as she struggles also to deal with a thwarted young man at the school gate, back after seven years and accusing her of unconsensual sex. 


Gravity and Other Myths. Adelaide Festival. Dunstan Playhouse. March 14th – 19th, 2017

Raw, entertaining and at times mesmerising - this is Backbone, presented by Gravity and other Myths (GOM). The concept of this production, directed by Darcy Grant, is a devised circus that examines strength honestly, ironically and personally. Whilst this reviewer couldn’t quite grasp the underlying theme, I thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle and show for what it was, an amazing and jaw dropping showcase of dedicated and talented acrobats.

The Places You’ll Go

By Hila Ben Gera. Lama Theatre Company. The Garage International.Adelaide Fringe. March 1 – 17, 2017

Lama Theatre Company was founded by Hila Ben Gera, who is also the author of The Places You’ll Go. Having premiered the play in New York City in 2014, she has assembled an all-Australian cast to breathe life into this version for the Adelaide Fringe.

The Laden Table

By Yvonne Perczuk, Nur Alam, Raya Gadir, Chris Hill, Marian Kernahan & Ruth Kliman. bAKEHOUSE Theatre Company. KXT – Kings Cross Theatre, Kings Cross Hotel. March 10 – 25, 2017.

Like the long table that dominates the set (designer Courtney Westbrook), this play is also ‘laden’ – with diverse opinions, racial and religious vilification, family values and traditions and strong, passionate characters that articulate their beliefs and emotions in meaningful and judiciously scripted dialogue. It is also ‘laden’ with love surmounts barriers and promises hope.

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