
Adelaide Fringe. The Garage International. 1-17 March 2022

A 17th century Parisian salon is the place to be to get the real truths behind what we think we know about fairy tales. Madame d’Aulnoy hosts a bevy of familiar villains and victims who offer their perspectives through song.

Eliane Morel takes on every character, changing costume and accent along with the persona of the likes of an Ugly Sister, Sleeping Beauty, and the Wolf, with great musical and comedic support on the harpsicord and piano from Daryl Wallis.

Morel’s and Wallis’ cabaret is great fun, and Morel can really sing! Her operatic style and range are impressive, but not formal – her casual banter with her audience is engaging and humorous.

The alternative perspectives on well-known stories are contextualised with contemporary debates: ‘you’re still wearing masks? The plague was so 1666!’, which are often funny, sometimes serious. It’s smart cabaret to relax us with laughter then make us a little uncomfortable with #metoo references.

The sound isn’t the best in this venue, so sometimes the accompaniment can overpower the vocals which can make them difficult to discern, but we never lose our way in understanding the joke – or the message.

An enjoyable hour of twisted fairy tales in the company of an excellent chanteuse and accompanist. Bravo Madame et Monsieur!

Mark Wickett

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