Dead Royal
Chris Ioan Roberts is a formidable performer who has created an acerbic tale which brings together two of the most controversial women of the 20th century. The haughtiness he conveys as Wallis, Duchess of Windsor is tempered with moments of plain vulgarity. She comes across as calculating while Lady Diana Spencer is portrayed as aimless and vacuous. The clever text shows how their celebrity status has worked both for and against them. While on the surface it appears that these two women are worlds apart, the play highlights their vulnerability to the allure of royalty.
Roberts is able to reincarnate their spirit through a psychological analysis of these intriguing figures, and reveals a pathetic self-absorption that inevitably leads to self-destruction. His observations are bitter and often quite scathing; neither character is portrayed without all the blemishes that have tarnished their names. Wallis-Simpson focuses her address to her servitude and this makes her somewhat distant. On the other hand, Diana relies on her audience. She unabashedly wears her heart on her sleeve, but this is often not a very pretty sight.
The tone of the text is quite caustic and is accompanied by authentic material, which is displayed via retro technology. This gives the portrayal of the characters a wonderful authentic, somewhat archival quality. The result is an extremely frank observation of the beguiling nature of two extraordinary women.
Patricia Di Risio
Photography by Patricia Oliviera.
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