Confetti From Graceland

Confetti From Graceland
Written and directed by Noel O’Neil. Harbour Theatre and Maverick Theatre. Camelot Theatre, Mosman Park, WA. Aug 13-28, 2021

Confetti From Graceland had its World Premiere in May 2008, a co-production of The Studio and KADS. This latest production, a co-production of Harbour Theatre and Maverick Theatre, features the same director and three of the original cast, and has the charm and brashness of the original. I was shocked to realise that the last time that I saw this play was 13 years ago - as my memories of this play are so vivid - a testament to its strength.

A beautifully finished and decorated set helps transport us to the home of an Italian family in New York, during the 1970s. Nicely lit by Rob Tagliaferri, Vanessa Gudgeon gives us an appropriately Elvis inspired sound design.

The audience is quickly drawn into the world of this loud Italian family, where screaming at each other is a form of affection. Writer/director Noel O’Neill is excellent as patriarch Vince Nutz, equal parts demanding and caring. He works beautifully with Narelle Belle, very likeable as his big-haired wife Rose. A dynamic performance, although she appeared to corpse a couple of times at the matinee performance - recovering quickly. This pair create a very convincing and very layered relationship. Both of these actors are reprising their roles, as is Kim Taylor - working well in the small but important role of Tony.

Indiana Powell is lovely as catalyst character Linda Nutz, whose impending marriage and love for Elvis drive the action in this show. A well-considered and thoughtful performance of a character with whom we sympathise.

Rex Gray and Sharon Menzies are believable as grandparents Ma and Pop, with lovely comic timing. Meagan Harper makes the most of limited stage time as Angela, in only her second production, with Caleb Gray completing the cast as fiancé Phillip - in a promising stage debut.
Good fun, a great nostalgia trip and a clever examination of the complexities of family.

Kimberley Shaw

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