A Chorus Line

A Chorus Line
Conceived by Michael Bennett. Book by James Kirkwood and Nicholas Dante. Music by Marvin Hamlisch. Lyrics by Edward Kleban. Drew Anthony Creative. Directed by Drew Anthony. The Royale Theatre, Planet Royale, Northbridge, WA. Aug 3 - 20, 2023

Pulitzer winning musical A Chorus Line, presented by Drew Anthony Creative. is playing at Planet Royale, to enthusiastic, capacity audiences. Featuring a fabulous cast, this well-known musical about the lives of Broadway dancers, is heartfelt, with some excellent acting performances and fabulous dance.

This bare-bones musical, traditionally performed on a bare stage, is given a touch of pizazz by starting the show with large 3D letters proclaiming the title, using moving projections to create the rear wall of an old theatre, and of course adding a huge splash of glamour for the closing number. Costume design is by Dani Paxton and atmosphere is brought to the near empty stage by Luke Scatchard’s sympathetic lighting design.

Performing to quality tracks, Music Supervisor Joe Louis Robinson and Vocal Director Glenn Hogue have drawn some excellent individual vocal performances, although occasionally it was evident that some performers were more dancer than singer. Dancing is first rate, with Jessica Ashton’s strong choreography executed with style.

Chorus Line is as it should be, focused on the performers, and this group does not disappoint. G Madison IV drives the production well as director Zach, much of his dialogue delivered from the rear of the auditorium, but always a strong presence and convincing in his demeanour. Cassie, the closest thing A Chorus Line has to a leading lady, is performed to perfection by Morgan Cowling, acted with great depth and showing outstanding triple threat skills while winning the audience’s support.

Elethea Sartorelli shines as Sheila, cynical ‘old hand’ with formidable skill. Ciara Taylor is sweet as Bebe – keen to get a start. Lana Freeman brings great presence to Judy, while Emma Haines shows gentle strength as Maggie. Lucy Goodrick looks great and has beautiful confidence as Val. Rosemary Spelman becomes an audience favourite as the not-always-together Kristine, creating a believable relationship with the lovely Jamie Papanicolaou as Al. Sophie Psaila-Savona finds new aspects in Diana while tiny Gemma Hanh stands out and nails the role of Connie.

Great banter and believability from Ethan Churchill as Mike and Allen Blachford as Bobby. Greg Jarema is great as his namesake Greg. Will Basson is a convincing Mark. Jamie Rolton is completely at home as Don. Zak Bresland’s natural delivery and depth as Paul is a highlight of the show.

This show has been the subject of some controversy regarding casting – an issue that has now been resolved – which is why this review has been delayed.

A Chorus Line is a show that every musical theatre fan should see at least once in their lives, and this beautifully acted, nicely produced incarnation is a wonderful chance to tick this must-see off your bucket list.

Kimberley Shaw

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