Carly Sheppard returns to the Malthouse stage with an extended and developed version of her show Chase. The performance features a variety of characters that could be described as her alter egos. Sheppard retains much of the subversive and confronting content and her musings cover a range of topics such as intergenerational first nations trauma, environmental disaster and the pervasive and perverse nature of contemporary social media activity.
Sheppard delivers Chase with increased confidence and includes some sharper humour into the mix. She has a great sense of pushing the boundaries of theatre. She portrays situations of a nightmarish existence that continually test the audience's sense of decorum. This often makes the content confronting but, at times, also very amusing.
The post-apocalyptic nature of her ambience is exceptionally well staged. The set design and use of projections is very effective. This is further amplified by the addition of more fictional characters. They are represented by various forms of dolls or puppets both large and small. Their absurdity often reaches new heights as Sheppard animates each of the different personas they represent. Sheppard is particularly adept at portraying these different personas and switches from one to the other with disarming swiftness.
The show maintains its somewhat manic and frenetic pace. Although there is no real resolution to the various issues that the performance points to, Sheppard clearly conveys the sense of angst and anguish of the various disturbing psychological spaces she explores.
Patricia Di Risio
Photograper: Jacinta Keefe
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