
By Carly Sheppard (concept & performer). Directed by Kamarra Bell-Wykes. Presented by Malthouse Theatre, in association with HotHouse Theatre. The Tower, The Malthouse, Melbourne. 16-20 March, 2022.

Chase is a character that is close to Carly Sheppard’s heart and could even be seen as a kind of alter ego; the uninhibited part of ourselves that makes us confront the more troubling aspects of our existence. Chase is an eclectic collection of contemporary social identities ranging from the bogan to the superficial social media influencer. The ease with which Sheppard transitions between these various personas elicits a sense of madness or schizophrenia. The performance is undoubtedly chaotic in a carnivalesque and subversive manner.

Chase’s experiences are often unnerving as she reveals signs of real trauma. Here the stage design is exceptional in capturing the nightmarish visions that seem to haunt her mind. This produces some excruciating and visceral screams of anger and pain. Sheppard is extremely skilled in the way she manages these emotions so that they are not in any way cliched. The raw authenticity of her performance makes the show extremely powerful.

Sheppard’s physicality is intriguing, even if sometimes strangely compelling or sometimes bordering on repulsion. This is a show that will unseat you and is most likely to strike a very sensitive chord, although there is no specific target or issue raised. This can make the show feel somewhat rudderless, but the production seems intent on focusing primarily on the journey rather than the destination.

Patricia Di Risio 

Images: Shortcut Creative

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