Casting Off.
This is a fantastic opportunity to watch three generations of amazing Australian circus talent in one show. Urban knitting functions as both set and costume design and clearly indicates the show’s political edge. The daring, dangerous and awe-inspiring acrobatics are performed with amazing skill and are also accompanied by a sensational delivery of lists, poems, conversations, melodies, arguments and biographies. This discourse is hilarious, profound and touching and the naturalness with which it is simultaneously delivered with the physical feats is truly astonishing.
The plight of women, the indifference to the underprivileged and the drudgery that we all face on a daily basis are among the topics that are beautifully addressed. The discourse is far from defeatist and prefers to celebrate small, everyday triumphs. Debra Batton’s dead pan delivery is priceless and her physical antics seriously challenge any ageist expectations. Batton frequently steals the show with her charm and wit. Sharon Gruenert marvels the audience with some very unusual contortions and Spenser Inwood, the youngest member of troupe, is both soulful and buoyant as a performer. The overall effect is truly impressive.
You can expect to see some classic acrobatic moves, but the acts often become very abstract and even absurdist. This makes the recited text a particularly apt accompaniment. When this is combined with a variety of vocal harmonies and pitches the soundscape becomes quite moving. This is a stunning, thought-provoking and thrilling show.
Patricia Di Risio
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