Cash Out of Hand: A Convict Tale

Cash Out of Hand: A Convict Tale
Fringe World. Irish Club of WA, Townshend St, Subiaco, WA. Feb 4-6, 2022

Cash Out of Hand: A Convict Tale is a moving blend of the story of Irish convict Martin Cash, with traditional Irish music. Playing to healthy audiences at the Irish Club, this was a moving and entertaining hour.

Based on Martin Cash’s 1870 ghost written autobiography, it tells of Martin’s conviction, his transportation to the colony of New South Wales, a move to Van Diemen’s Land and a second sentencing and punishment at Port Arthur. Appropriate music is performed throughout.

Ciaran O’Sullivan narrates expertly in the first person, occasionally in Gaelic, and sings beautifully. 

The band, The Hár, is outstanding and a delight to watch as they play with some beautiful expression. It features Will Richards on guitar (coping wonderfully with a mid-show loss of a string), Jet Kye Chong on bodhrán (with a 100-watt smile), Fiona Doyle on tin whistles and open holed flute, and Ciara Sudlow on violin and viola fiddles and banjo.

The sound was nicely balanced by Brian Finnemore.

The audience, sitting at long tables, happily tapped along and the show was very warmly received.

A show that was very different, beautifully performed and despite its dark subject matter, a joy to watch.

Kimberley Shaw



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