Carnival of the Animals
An enchanting circus performance inspired by Camille Saint-Saens renowned composition, this 50 minute production of Carnival of the Animals is the perfect break for the family these summer holidays.
Set to beautiful classical music, this performance combines light acrobatics and pantomime theatre to capture the imagination. Throughout the performance the audience is taken through different cities and explores different animals through the large digital backdrop which acted as an extra performer on the stage. The cast made every lift, tumble and team routine look effortless, captivating everyone in the very quirky personalities of the characters.
This production doesn't follow a particular storyline, instead it pieces together the innocence of animals and children together, creating a beautiful performance designed for all ages.
With only 6 short performances, get in quickly and don't miss out on this event from QPAC's renowned Out of the Box festival.
Melissa Bobbermien
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