Building Blocks

Building Blocks
By Bob Larbey. Pymble Players, NSW. Feb 9 to Mar 5, 2022.

The scene is set at Pymble Players with builders' equipment strewn around the entrance to the theatre. This theme is continued with debris on the stage and two bricklayers who seem to be rather lackadaisical in their work. Indeed Mark (Andrew Cougle), and especially Piper (Curtis Harrild), spend probably half of the production having tea breaks and eating an extraordinary amount of biscuits. This explains, in part, why the homeowners are endlessly waiting for their extension to be finished.

The energy and pace lift immediately when Jim enters the scene, played with passion and genuine optimism by Ross Holohan. As half of the protagonist/homeowner couple, Holohan is brilliant throughout and really keeps the momentum going. His exchanges with his wife Mary (Madeleine Dart) are particularly tender and their relationship is lovely to watch.

Dart shines brightly whenever she enters and more than holds her own as the only female in the cast. She looks very attractive in her colourful array of costumes, and maintains an English accent which pairs seamlessly with Holohan’s Irish lilt. We completely empathise with her frustration, and hope for the couple's sake, that the delays will finally cease.

Throwing regular spanners into the works is David, a cunning and somewhat dodgy manager, portrayed very easily by Murray Fane. Fane delivers an endless stream of excuses and feels a lot like a crooked, used car salesman. He takes little (if any) responsibility and is reliably unreliable.

Rounding out the cast is carpenter Brian, played in an almost deadpan manner by Brian May. Brian has heard all of David's excuses before and is also having a personal crisis which perhaps explains his muted excitement for the job.

The scenery is very appealing and clever considering the confines of the space and directors Rob and Leah White have done well to get this play on stage after numerous setbacks and rehearsals over Zoom.

Fiona Kelly

Photographer: Allan Rowsell

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