The Book of Revelations
Alison Richards has a gentle voice and presence in this quietly fragmented space. The staging of this performance is unique and borrows from theatre, opera, installation and performance art. The attention to detail and the meticulous aesthetics are very pleasing. Each aspect of the setting elicits the idea of a life full of history and memories and how our surroundings are a constant reminder of who we are, where we have been and where we may be headed.
Confusion and disparity are the order of the day for Ada (Alison Richards) and this piece points to some of the intensity of strangeness created by disorders such as dementia. Ada experiences her surroundings in a new and sometimes disconcerting light. However, it is difficult to fully enter the world of Ada. There is little anchoring of the free-flowing text, the accompanying voices, the delicate sound effects and the dramatic visual effects. This leaves the spectator somewhat adrift in a context which is designed to be immersive.
The installation also includes some magnificent puppetry by Rod Primose and Bao Ghislain. Their ability to animate objects and breathe life into ordinary everyday items is extremely mesmerising. The sequence involving dancing tea cups is delightful. The performance comes to life in such moments and relies less on Richards as the actor and more on producing an unusual theatrical experience.
Patricia Di Risio
Photographer: Sarah Walker
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