
Ritual by Untamed Circus

Presented by Untamed Circus. Adelaide Fringe Festival 2025. The Vault at Fool’s Paradise, Victoria Square, Adelaide. March 8 to 23 2025

Ritual by Untamed Circus uses the occult rites as a platform to successfully showcase their circus skills. Untamed Circus is the be congratulated for the standard of their acts. There are moments that even this hardened circus skills reviewer has never seen before!


By A.R. Gurney. Hunters Hill Theatre. Director: Moja Band. Club Ryde. 7 - 30 March, 2025

American playwright and novelist A.R. Gurney (1930-2017) wrote over 40 plays, many of which are comedies based on shrewd observations about society and relationships. His last play, Love and Money, written in his 80s, is described as “a buoyant comedy about wealth, the nature of trust, and the prospect of aging with dignity.”


Created by Yumi Umiumare & ButohOUT. Co-creator & producer Taka Takiguchi. Presented by Abbotsford Convent and Asia TOPA, Arts Centre Melbourne. Industrial School and Sacred Heart Courtyard, Abbotsford Convent. 5 – 9 March 2025

In the wide concrete space of the Industrial School and Sacred Heart Courtyard at Abbotsford Convent, a small, lithe man (butoh master Atsuchi Takenouchi) beats a drum as if in homage to a huge, draped deity on a huge, draped throne.  Occasionally, the man sings - although he can scarcely be heard over eerie, hypnotic music and the hubbub of strange creatures around him.  There are knee-high piles of shredded rags that sidle about and accost you.  There are masked black-clad hunched creatures with exaggerated breasts or genitals.

Pride and Prejudice

By Jane Austen, adapted by Janet Fletcher. Adelaide Fringe. Tyndale Theatre. 7-15 March 2025

The classic Jane Austen novel is brought to life ‘in the round’ of the Tyndale Theatre, with gentle performances from all that entertain whilst raising the consequences of quick judgement and questioning the motivation to marry. The story is primarily about Elizabeth Bennet, swift to judge a Mr Darcy, who similarly forms harsh opinions about Miss Bennet and her family – and the narrative explores how they reconcile their pride and prejudice.

Confetti and Chaos

Presented by Interactive Theatre International. Adelaide Fringe Festival 2025. Adelaide Royal Coach, Kent Town. March 7 to 16 2025

Interactive Theatre International have toured The Faulty Towers Dining Experience, their homage to the iconic BBC comedy series Fawlty Towers, around Australia and across the UK for many years now, so it is logical to branch out and devise a new work, Confetti and Chaos.

A Room of One's Own

Adelaide Fringe. Main Theatre at Adelaide College of the Arts. 22 February - 15 March 2025

‘A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction’ says Virginia Woolf, as part of her talk given to two female colleges at the University of Cambridge in 1928. Rebecca Vaughan is Woolf, delivering a TED-talk long before they were a thing, about the challenges facing women in society – particularly creative and intellectual women, who legally still needed a man for many things now independent of gender.

Fire Drill Scenario

Concept and Performer: Geumhyung Jeong. Presented by Asia TOPA, Arts House, North Melbourne Town Hall, 521 Queensberry St, North Melbourne. 6-9 March 2025.

Geumhyung Jeong is an extraordinary performer from Seoul, South Korea who often blends a range of performance traditions such as dance, choreography, theatre, puppetry, video, and installation. Jeong is interested in the rapport between the body and surroundings and Fire Drill Scenario explores this at length and in depth in relation to how we move and interact within a space.

Oh My Heart, Oh My Home

Adelaide Fringe. Circulating Library at The Courtyard of Curiosities at the Migration Museum. 4-16 March 2025

Oh My Heart indeed. A great story well-told is always going to get my attention, but this new show from Casey Jay Andrews is utterly captivating. It’s the tale of Freddie and her grandfather, who has lived in an old house for what seems like forever, far away from light pollution, and perfect for observing the once-in-thirty-three-year event of the Leonids, a meteor storm (much bigger than a shower) from the comet Tempel-Tuttle.

Shan Gao Shui Chang

Presented by Weichen Cui, Haocheng Zhang, and Monica Lim, supported by the Adelaide Fringe Fund, and in association with Lewis Major Projects. Adelaide Fringe Festival 2025. Adelaide College of the Arts, Light’s Square, Adelaide. March 6 &7 2025

A literal translation of Shan Gao Shui Chang is “Mountain high, water field”. This immersive production features dance, sound, and visual arts and has an all too short season of two nights. I was lucky enough to catch the opening night.

Awarded the Adelaide Fringe Fund, this work returns after its highly acclaimed Melbourne debut.


Adelaide Fringe. The Breakout at the Mill. 5-22 March 2025

A father is teaching his son how to box before dinner: growing up as a Yorkshireman in the mid twentieth century, trying to make a life for him and his family. In the present day, the same man fights for breath, where all he wants is to get through this and get home to Dot.

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