Banjos, Boots & Beyonce
Banjos, Boots & Beyonce is great fun and a must for anyone interested in youth theatre and what can be achieved when kids take the reins.
This show is surprisingly crisp and tight, particularly considering the potential unwieldiness of having a large number of Children teaching a heap of adults the polka and then some very unique contemporary social dances. Even with a break for a cuppa the whole thing comes in under 80 minutes.
Audience can opt to engage in the dancing or observe and have a bit of a dance at the end if they so choose.
As we enter the performance space we are greeted with a banjo being played by a young lass. The theme is Australiana. The Wallflowers are sorted from the active participants and sent to tables with lists of ‘ice-breakers’ to get them talking about dance.
Everything is done with a joyful light sense of humour and trust. There are some very funny lines and moments – but of course all three shows with have their own uniquely spontaneous and memorable moments.
And yes there is an opportunity to do the Macerana, Nutbush and YMCA!
St Martins has come a long way under Artistic Director Clare Watson, who brought us stunningly progressive works such as Gonzo, that looked at teenage boys and their attitudes to porn, and The Bacchae at Theatre Works, directed by Adena Jacobs. It has branched out and is no longer South Yarra centric but presents workshops in Northcote and St Albans. And will certainly be worth keeping an eye on with Nadja Kostich at its helm further nurturing the philosophy of children making art for adults.
Suzanne Sandow
Director – Luke Kerridge
Choreographer – Gheona Gela
Assistant Director – Dale Thorburn
Designer – Romanie Harper
DJ – MzRizk
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