Bang On Live
Bang On has been podcasting for about 8 years, now so Perth listeners were not only desperate to see Zan and Myf in person, but also to secure some unique merchandise before and after the show. (Apparently, years ago, they used to make their own Bang On badges!)
Zan Rowe and Myf Warhurst are very familiar to all of us, as TV hosts and radio presenters, so watching them “Banging On” about various popular culture topics is an enjoyable night out.
Their personal camaraderie shows in their easy on-stage rapport, and their dedicated fans just about gave the dynamic duo a standing ovation simply for turning up in Perth.
Comprising of what must be a half-scripted/half-adlibbed conversation, the show sounded very fresh and urgently interesting coming from our seasoned hosts, who seem just as excited about a daggy new “rom com”guilty pleasure, as they are uncovering the musical influences on Beyoncé’s latest album.
However, the focus of the Bang On is not so much on music (as I assumed) as it is about pop culture’s latest headlines.
The Kate Middleton/Royal family photo “scandal” chat went on a bit long.
Maybe interstate fans are still intrigued by royal conspiracy theories this week, but it seems this headline was of little interest to the Perth audience.
Laughs sporadically erupted when our hosts started sharing their feelings about Rupert Murdoch’s latest engagement but perhaps the “Bang Fam” expect their hosts to be more intelligent than the usual talking heads and the topic was quickly changed.
Musical tales fared better; who wouldn’t want the ever-optimistic Myf to reveal her personal stories of hanging out with Pearl Jam? And Zan has enough celebrity insight from her Take Five podcast and TV series to keep us intrigued for hours.
Local guest, “Perthonality” and comedian, Janelle Koenig, finally got some deep guffaws from the crowd (and Myf and Zan) with her story about stalking… I mean, meeting…her hero, Nigella Lawson.
The “faarshun” finale, featuring willing audience participants, was more winning than the tea-towel giveaway in the first half. (By the way, why is there always one male fan who assumes he could make the show better by yelling out to our hosts? Zan gently reprimanded him with “Don’t yell out the answers. I hate cheaters.” Whereas Myf was more subtle with a backhander, “I love your enthusiasm!”)
With the volunteer fashionistas modelling Myf-made rip offs of ultra-expensive handbags and hilariously impractical boots for the crowd’s pleasure, the duo’s intent of poking fun at terrible trends was uproariously obvious.
Myf and Zan genuinely appreciated their loyal “Bang Fam” coming out to see them in person, and they happily stayed in the foyer after the show, signing tea-towels, t-shirts and hot-of-the-press keyrings at the merch stand for the queue that wound down Hay Street.
I hope the ABC are now outsourcing the manufacturing of souvenir items and freeing up Zan and Myf to do what they do best – writing witty one-liners and sharing, with humour and intelligence, their latest entertainment obsessions.
Jane Keehn
Bang On Live is touring nationally -
Janelle Koenig performs at the Perth Comedy Festival on 26 April.
Photographer: Bri Hammond
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