The B Plot Girls

The B Plot Girls
By Angela Leta Kaye and Rachel Foucar. Umbrella Works / Fringe World. Home Economics, The Girls School, East Perth. Jan 25-Feb 13, 2022

In Umbrella Works' The B Plot Girls, Bridget is a sweet housewife with mannerisms that would put the Stepford Wives to shame. Jen is a determined journalist struggling in a man’s world. They are both ‘B plot’ characters in a television series about to be canned. As we view the series, we also experience the ads for sponsors that are keeping this struggling series afloat, and we go to some strange and satanic places.

Very much Fringe-Fare, this odd little musical-of-sorts has much to like and is bizarre and different enough to keep most people happy. 

Two strong and likeable performers with excellent rapport play the two very different characters, with Angela Leta Kaye shining and sweet as the gentle Bridget (who hides a dark secret) and Rachel Foucar beautifully embodying the determined career woman Jen.

The third performer is pianist Elyse Begley - who carves her own very clever character arc - quietly creating a ‘C Plot’ in the corner, with some lovely moments.

The B Plot Girls never takes itself very seriously and doesn’t promise to change your life, but does give you a pleasant diversion for an hour or so. Sadly, on the night I viewed, this show was sadly unattended. Its season has been extended though, so grab a chance to lick off an evening at the Girls School with this fun little show.

Kimberley Shaw

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