Avenue Q
Even if you know what to expect of Avenue Q – a puppet show musical for grownups – (sometimes referred to as the adult version of Sesame Street) – it’s still a surprise to see the very conspicuous handlers, and hear the ribald jokes and saucy themes. It only took a few beats to get the idea that this was a show packed with characters, the puppeteers as important as their felt and fur charges. With ten puppets and eight handlers (often two handlers for a puppet) the action was smooth, slick and fast-paced, due in equal part to the excellent direction of Daren Sangwell and to the polished performers.
Jeremy Pyefinch (Rod) and Samantha James-Radford (as Lucy the Slut) are young, highly accomplished performers, having practically grown up on stage before our eyes, in numerous productions over several years. They are wonderful entertainers, and were in good company with sweet couple John Hoggart (Princeton) and Hannah Powell (Kate Monster). The cheeky Bad Idea Bears struck a chord with the audience – Samantha Sangston and Esther Hoggart were hilarious, with smooth moves and lovely voices. A special mention to Nick Paine (Brian) whose skilful experience assisted but didn’t eclipse newcomer Grace Nguyen (Christmas Eve).
There was so much to take in, I almost needed a playback button.
Musical director Aaron Powell led a fine band that rocked along at a pace. Sets, lighting sound and production elements were excellent in that they didn’t intrude – everything added up, creating a fine show, with catchy songs – I’ll be singing There’s a Fine, Fine Line for days.
It’s not easy being grown-up.This coming of age story, about diversity, difference and acceptance, with themes of unemployment, political correctness, being homeless and intimate relations are just some of the life lessons to be learned from Avenue Q. Congratulations to Hobart Repertory Theatre for bringing it to Hobart – they have had to include three more shows. Bring your sense of humour and park your inhibitions at the door. Avenue Q is fun – you’ll be singing on the way home!
Merlene Abbott
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