Autocannibal is the new spine chilling dystopic solo theatre show that is performed and created by Mitch Jones (aka Captain Ruin). This is a fine mix of mime/clowning, magical illusion/escapology, aerial acrobatics and performance art that addresses current climate change and eco system concerns.
The show begins with an informational voice over about infested livestock and food and water shortages - the upside down hangman (Mitch Jones) appears. He clutches at the hanging saw - hacking at his rope he comes crashing to the ground – a blackout follows. This is a loose reference to the The Hangman (Tarot Deck) signifying sacrifice and time suspension, aptly positioned in this apocalyptic ambience.
A superb aerialist, he monkeys across the shabby rigging and buoyant rubber-like pole with haphazard ease; he is scruffy in appearance and mimes with clownish sophistication reminiscent of the silent movie comic greats such as Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton.
There is a frenzied unnerving energy oozing from this starving nameless character who drinks his own sweat and delights in chewing a fly nailed down in his ‘spontaneous’ knife throwing skit. He rummages in an overstuffed old garbage bag that doubles up as sex doll, quenching his sexual desire between self-mutilation and eating oneself. His perilous life is always at stake!
This is a quirky mixed bag of a show inspired by vintage steam punk, auto combustible objects and the smoke and mirror illusion of theatre magic developed by set designer Micheal Baxter, with atmospheric lighting design (Paul Lim) and desolate sound design (Bonnie Tyler).
Direction by Masha Terentieva is influenced by the improvised nature of performance art and circus sideshow.
Flora Georgiou
Photographer: Jacinta Oaten
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