This production is passionate, masterful and damn good theatre.
Steven Grives, he of the gravel bass voice, is usually cast as the villain; it’s no surprise director Tama Matheson chose him for Salieri. From the outset Salieri confesses he thinks he may have been responsible for Mozart’s death, then spends two and a half hours persuading us why he thinks so. Along the way he engages us, wins our sympathy and emerges as the brightest star of this show.
Ably supported by an award-winning Peter Schaffer script, Mozart excerpts and Tama Matheson as an irrepressible potty-mouthed Mozart, this show takes wings.
Even more glitter: Robert Coleby (Emperor Joseph), Ian McFadyen (Count Orsini-Rosenberg), Bob Newman (Baron van Swieten) and Daniel Murphy (Von Strack); plus Penny Farrow and Imogen Hopper as the gorgeous pair of Venticelli (who keep Salieri abreast of the social gossip in Vienna); and Anna Mowry as Mozart’s long-suffering wife.
Genuine antique furniture, great lighting (including very effective use of silhouettes of Mozart conducting), lush and lovely period costumes (Frances Foo) ─ there was not a weak spot in this show.
Is there any other community radio station in Australasia producing such slick professional theatre, even if only once a year as part of their Festival of the Classics?
Great show, short run, don’t miss it.
Jay McKee
Photographs: Robert Coleby & Steven Grives (top) and Director/Actor Tama Matheson (photos courtesy of 4MBS publicity section)
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