Alice is Drowning
Your Mouth Collective is a newly formed Perth based theatre company, participating in their first Fringeworld season.
Alice is Drowning is a simple, nicely told tale, which combines a coming-of-age story with road-trip and fairy-tale genres, to create a sweet, enjoyable two-hander.
Baby-faced twenty-year-olds Phoebe Sullivan and Lukas Radovich play sixteen year old best friends Alice and Brian very convincingly. Phoebe gives dreamy but deluded Alice a genuine charm, while Lukas' Brian is charming, loyal and superbly played.
Mitchell Whelan has created an abrupt yet effective lighting plot, which gives a wonderful sense of place — very impressive given the limitations of fringe venues.
Director Madeleine Lewis, who has written the show in conjunction with her cast, understands her audience and structures the production well.
A lovely first production from a fledgling company. I look forward to further ventures.
Kimberley Shaw
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