After You’ve Gone
This Australian play by Sue Ingleton is an unusual show that is part mystery, partly an examination of relationships in Australia immediately post war, and includes some dream sequences and dance moments.
Central character Coral is played by Sue Murray, who delivers a solid performance as the war widow whose husband reappears unexpectedly. She created believable relationships with daughter Brenda, played by Sage Lockyer, who was convincing as a headstrong teenager, and with wayward surprise returnee Harold, a laconic Rex Gray. Liz Hoffman is very likeable as Coral’s sister Joy, Kirstie Francis does a lovely double duty as very different twins Maidey and Elaine, Annabelle Segler works well as Lucinda and Steven Ozane nicely portrays American love interest Chuck.
A WA premiere, this production featured a set that was designed as if it were a film set, allowing the audience to see actors approaching the acting area, assembling their props and waiting for their entry. An unusual creative choice by designer Rhiannon Walker, it had a slightly Brechtian feel. While it was certainly different, I don’t necessarily agree with the director’s adage that “new is great for community theatre” because I don’t feel it fit thematically with the show - which in itself felt a little disjointed.
A very challenging script that doesn’t seem to have a clear genre, but it was watchable and flowed well. A hard working cast and crew made this quite easy to watch. There were audible gasps from the audience at some of the plot turns, so it was clear that the audience were engaged and fully absorbed.
Kimberley Shaw
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