
Cash Out of Hand: A Convict Tale

Fringe World. Irish Club of WA, Townshend St, Subiaco, WA. Feb 4-6, 2022

Cash Out of Hand: A Convict Tale is a moving blend of the story of Irish convict Martin Cash, with traditional Irish music. Playing to healthy audiences at the Irish Club, this was a moving and entertaining hour.

Based on Martin Cash’s 1870 ghost written autobiography, it tells of Martin’s conviction, his transportation to the colony of New South Wales, a move to Van Diemen’s Land and a second sentencing and punishment at Port Arthur. Appropriate music is performed throughout.

Guys and Dolls

By Frank Loesser. Old Nick Co, Hobart Theatre Summer School, Tasmania. Mount Nelson Theatre. Director: David Thomson. Vocal Coach: Samantha Hammersley. Musical Director: Andrew Castles. Choreographer: Caitlyn Carnaby. Lighting: Rory Grinham. Design: Christopher Oakley. Costumes: Karen Fahey. February 4 – 12, 2022

Guys and Dolls, in the hands of first-time director David Thomson, was a gamble that returned in spades.  His goal was to pay homage to the ‘golden age’ of musical theatre whilst challenging the moments in the script and story that, because of its age, failed to reflect where we are now as a society. Much of the inherent sexism of the original book has been subtly challenged without sacrificing the humour or vitality of the show.  The female protagonists come across as more empowered and the males are called out for their sins.

Death of a Salesman

By Arthur Miller. Produced by Hearth Theatre and directed by Christopher Tomkinson. fortyfivedownstairs, 45 Flinders Lane, 3 - 27 February 2022.

This is an astonishing production of a canonical text that rises to all the challenges presented by such an important play. The artistic and aesthetic choices are all designed to allow an interpretation that preserves the historical and universal elements of this story. The result is a detailed, refined and nuanced production that immerses the audience deeply into this poignant universe.

Murder on the Midland Line

Written and directed by Courtney Lee. Fringe World. The Library, The Girls School, East Perth, WA. Feb 1-23, 2022

Murder on the Midland Line is later in the evening silliness that is best consumed after a few drinks. An unlikely story, with even more unlikely characters, it is sprinkled with some comedy gems and the capacity audiences are clearly having a good time. 


Written by Danielle Fynn, with music by Tim Newhouse. Fringe World. Directed by Danielle Fynn. The Sewing Room, Wolf Lane, Perth. Feb 2-5, 2022

Bridezilla is a World Premiere musical playing for a very short run as part of Fringe World, at the Sewing Room. Proving very popular, this cheesy but fun little bop of a musical is simply good fun and features a stellar cast.


By Angus Cameron. Fringe World. Directed by Bronwen Coleman. Home Economics, The Girls School. Jan 28-Feb 5, 2022

Dirt, presented by Patrick Livesey for Fringe World, is a moving, passionate, and extremely powerful piece of drama, that is one of the most compelling pieces of theatre that you will see at Fringe World (or at any time this year).


By Head First Acrobats. Fringe World. The Main Hall, The Girls School, East Perth, WA. Feb 1-13, 2022

Godz takes us through the world of Ancient Greek Mythology. Audiences join Gods Hercules, Dionysus, Cupid and Apollo to party on Mount Olympus and take a trip to the Underworld in an excuse to show off some pretty amazing acrobatics.

The B Plot Girls

By Angela Leta Kaye and Rachel Foucar. Umbrella Works / Fringe World. Home Economics, The Girls School, East Perth. Jan 25-Feb 13, 2022

In Umbrella Works' The B Plot Girls, Bridget is a sweet housewife with mannerisms that would put the Stepford Wives to shame. Jen is a determined journalist struggling in a man’s world. They are both ‘B plot’ characters in a television series about to be canned. As we view the series, we also experience the ads for sponsors that are keeping this struggling series afloat, and we go to some strange and satanic places.


By Matthew Arnold, Samuel Ireland and Max Gipson. Songbird Theatre Company. Fringe World. Directed by Matthew Arnold. Biology, The Girls School, East Perth, WA. Feb 1-6, 2022

Freeze, the debut performance from Songbird Theatre Company and augers well for a bright future for the fledgeling organisation, which aims to tell “captivating, poignant and visually striking stories”. This production certainly achieves those aims.


Created by Bree Kent and presented by the Chronicles of Olympus and Breeze Entertainment. Meat Market – The Cobblestone Pavilion, 3 Blackwood St. North Melbourne, 3-6 February 2022.

Goddesses is a theatrical extravaganza of music, song, dance and circus artistry. This production makes incredibly inventive use of the Pavilion and creates a large-scale spectacular show. The atmosphere is created from the get-go with a red-carpet entrance for the audience. The anticipation for the show is made quite palpable as many are photographed and interviewed before entering the auditorium. 

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