
Good People

By David Lindsay-Abaire. Adelaide Repertory Theatre. Arts Theatre, Adelaide. September 2-11, 2021

Good People is the brilliant new offering from The Adelaide Repertory Theatre. Written by David Lindsay-Abaire, himself a ‘Southie’ from Boston, and skilfully directed by Nick Fagan, this is a piece of not to be missed theatre. Originally premiering on Broadway and starring Frances McDormand in the title role, we should be very grateful Nick found this play and decided to share it with Adelaide audiences.

Queensland's Finest

Queensland Symphony Orchestra (QSO). Concert Hall, Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC), Brisbane. 3 & 4 September 2021

Presented by the QSO, Brisbane Festival, and QPAC, Queensland's Finest presents some of our state's best new talents, performing on the same program for the first time. Leading the proceedings was brand new Co-Concertmaster, Natsuko Yoshimoto (who shares the role with Warwick Adeney) a fresh and welcome move.

Image: Natsuko Yoshimoto

Boy Swallows Universe

By Tim McGarry, based on the Trent Dalton novel. Directed by Sam Strong. Queensland Theatre (QT). Playhouse, Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC), Brisbane. Opening Night: 3 September 2021

OK, I'm going to just come right out and say it – I prefer the psychedelic and chaotic world of Trent Dalton's Boy Swallows Universe spilled out in full colour on the stage, rather than in my head while reading the novel. Phew! Now, as the novel's many fans will know, if it wasn't clear that this story was based on Dalton's own life experience, you'd never believe the twists and turns of his darkly funny tale. It's part Boy's Own coming-of-age saga, part true crime, part Sunday tabloid sensationalist suburban horror story.

Constantina Bush: Ride the Night Train

Constantina Bush (aka Kamahi Djordon King): Lead vocals. Eduardo Rodriguez (aka David Spry): Band Manager and Percussion. The Night Train band members: David Spry (vocals), Maia Bedggood (vocals) and Prayer Corby (vocals). Sarah Heffernan: Horn. Nick Yates: Saxophone. Mark Smith: Drums. Tom Jones: Bass. Aden Mackay: Guitar. INPEX Sunset Stage, Festival Park, Darwin. 22 August 2021. Darwin Festival.

I first had the privilege of discovering Miss Constantina Bush a decade ago at the celebrated (but now sadly defunct) Red Bennies on Chapel Street, Melbourne. The show – ‘Constantina Bush and the Bushettes’ – heralded the arrival of the supremely talented Miss Bush, whose irreverent tales from the outback (or Katherine to be more precise), were affectionately shared with her captivated crowd. There were (from my hazy memory), humble stories of her beloved Aunties.

Emerald City

By David Williamson. Produced by Riverside Theatres Digital. Presented by Australian Theatre Live / Griffin Theatre Company. Directed by Lee Lewis. Available online 28 August - 12 September 2021.

This is a recording of the wonderfully luscious 2014 production which is given a decidedly 80s setting with the aid of a vibrant backdrop and set design by Ken Done. This clearly consolidates the era and all the values that characterised the period. Williamson’s astute and accurate assessment of a variety of important cultural rivalries are beautifully brought to life. The competitiveness between marriage partners, film industry business partners and the cities of Sydney and Melbourne feature in this extremely witty text.

The Butch Is Back

Reuben Kaye and the K-holes. Miami Marketta (Gold Coast). 28th Aug- 3rd September, 2021

All the stars in the universe couldn’t match the incandescent talent of the Supernova that is Reuben Kaye; so, they’ll have to be content to simply “Twinkle, Twinkle”. Yes, he truly is that good. Yet, it’s difficult to define why this extraordinary performer is head and shoulders ahead of anyone who dares to venture anywhere near his turf. Partly it’s because of his quest for excellence in everything, but that’s not a label.

The Stranger

By Agatha Christie. Hobart Repertory Theatre Society. The Playhouse Hobart. Jeff Kevin (Director). Jill Munro (Set). Jason James (Lighting Design). Karen Fahey (Costumes). 27 August – 11 September 2021

The Stranger is not your usual Agatha Christie, by reason of the fact that it was written by Agatha Christie.  Hobart Repertory Theatre Society was originally to present Love from a Stranger, which is the Frank Vosper adaptation of Christie’s work, in 2020.  Subsequently, the company secured the rights for the first incarnation of the play which was only published in 2017 and they are the second or third company to do so.


By Ian Sinclair. The Kabuki Drop. Directed by Mel Cantwell. Subiaco Arts Centre, WA. Aug 24-28, 2021

Nocturna is a wonderfully layered production that blends a bizarre concept with some genuine food for thought. A dynamic World Premiere, it features a gorgeous set and some excellent performances.

Every Brilliant Thing

By Duncan Macmillan and Jonny Donahue. Black Swan State Theatre Company. Directed by Adam Mitchell. Studio Underground, State Theatre Centre of WA, Perth, WA. August 25 - Sep18, 2021

Black Swan State Theatre Company’s Every Brilliant Thing is a surprise packed show that truly is a brilliant thing of its own. A one-man show, with the most unlikely of themes, this amazing performance by Luke Hewitt touches both hearts and funny-bones and unites its audience in a unique and special way.

More Sh*t We Like To Sing

Feet First Collective. Directed by Dylan Dorotich. Connections Nightclub, Northbridge, WA. August 25-28, 2021

The sequel to popular Fringe World show Sh*t We Like To Sing was bright and comedic, a fun celebration of well-known and more obscure Musical Theatre tunes, all given a Feet First Collective twist.

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