4 Teachers For Teachers

4 Teachers For Teachers
Presented by Ty Gray. Fringe World. Comedy Den at Neon Palms, William St, Northbridge, WA. Jan 17-24, 2025

The first week of FringeWorld is a great week to try and attract a teacher audience - with a crowd still on holidays, but anxious for some sympathetic entertainment before returning to the frontlines in a few days. 

Presented by Ty Gray (pictured), a Secondary Drama teacher, it features Ty and (theoretically) three other teachers with classroom-based humour.

Ty takes the first set, setting a high standard with his laidback, easy delivery and casual exchanges with the audience. He has great improvisation skills and easily charmed a crowd, in 40-degree weather - many of whom had probably spent the day setting up their classroom.

Primary School teacher Oscar Robertson is next on stage with some jaunty, naughty songs and self-deprecating humour.

He is followed by “jack of all trades” teacher Evan Willey, whose routine seemed to pass quickly. A relaxed comedians who drew laughs easily and with a great style.

I’m not sure that final performer Aidan Jones is actually a teacher, but he did give us a music lesson - with a routine that might be a shortened version of his solo show Chopin’s Nocturne.

Lots of recognisable situations and anecdotes that educators will recognise and relate with - 4 Teachers for Teachers is a fabulous excuse to get together with colleagues before returning to school. 

Kimberley Shaw

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