Puppets on Chopping Block as University Axes Practical Subjects.
The University of Melbourne's website says it all.
"Please note that the Puppetry program is not taking applications for study in 2010."
In the past Stage Whispers has done wonderful features about this course - but sadly this will be no more.
It is all part of changes to the Victorian College of the Arts instigated by the new Dean - Sharman Pretty.
Students and members of the Arts Community are marching Friday on the Victorian State Parliament to voice their outrage at their changes.
Dean Pretty is against practical courses. She told the Australian:
"I am astonished how siloed this campus has been. It's siloed in its programs, it's siloed in its narrow little degree programs... Producing elite dancers that only become ballet dancers, or actors that only act, is no longer appropriate in Australia."
Heidi Victoria the State MP for Bayswater has issued the following call to arms for the Arts Community.
"In a nutshell, students will not be work-ready after 3 years at Uni, so they'll either need to go off-shore or interstate to train. Melbourne Uni has decided the courses like Music Theatre have no place....in Australia's capital city of the Arts!!!!
"Basically, if students train elsewhere, they are more likely to stay in the city in which they train - it makes sense, because that's where they build their networks. So it also stands to reason that big Broadway shows will be less likely to come to Melbourne, because bringing in staff/crew/talent from o/s or interstate is too expensive.
"It also means that aspiring Aussie film makers will not have hands on training in all the disciplines, like editing, writing, filming etc.
"Musicians will spend more time with their heads in books than playing their instruments.
Actors will be great at ticket selling and ushering, but not at ACTING."
For more information visit the Save the VCA website
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