
TV Star collapses during theatre awards.

Retired TV weatherman and radio host Brian Bury star fell off the stage during a drama charged theatre awards night held in Queensland this week.

He had only just started presenting the inaugural Gold Coast Area Theatre Awards when he fell two metres into the audience section of the Gold Coast Performing Arts Centre showroom.

Like many in the audience, Stage Whispers correspondent David Spicer feared a major health problem. But thankfully like the old pro he is Brian Bury brushed himself off and even joked - that he would do anything to get attention.

NIDA at 50

The National Institute of Dramatic Arts in Sydney has been celebrating its 50th Birthday in 2009. Widely known for its alumni superstars including Mel Gibson and Cate Blanchett, NIDA’s behind-the-scenes graduates are snapped up by the industry even more eagerly than the actors.

SWITCH IT OFF! - Article and Forum

Peter Pinne asks have we lost the art of theatre etiquette?

Once upon a time audiences at a theatrical performance respected the actors and other audience members. They remained quiet at appropriate times, laughed at appropriate times, and applauded at the end of the show. These days it’s a different story.

Have Show: Will Travel

Ever wondered how plays get chosen to tour regional venues? David Spicer reports it’s a bit like Australian Idol. Producers get 10 minutes to perform – and then get voted on or off the short-list.

Set Designer Wins Top Theatre Post

A set designer has scored one of Australia’s most prestigious jobs, taking over as Artistic Director of Sydney’s Company B Belvoir Theatre from the end of 2010. Ralph Myers will succeed Neil Armfield from 2011.

Company B Belvoir’s Managing Director Brenna Hobson said the 30 year old stood out for his "intelligence, humour, capacity for inspiring leadership and understanding of the theatrical process.”

Choosing a Drama School

Some tips from Dean Carey, Creative Director of Actors Centre Australia.


The Sydney Theatre Company's production of A Streetcar Named Desire, now playing in the Kennedy Centre in Washington, has won rave reviews in the US Press.

While most loved the production, not everyone was impressed with the Aussie cast's attempts at Southern American accents.

Here is a taste of what has been written

Peter Marks - Washington Post

Mamma Mia! - Andrew Lloyd Webber has just asked me to sing one of his songs.

Music Theatre star Michael Cormick has returned to the Australian stage as Sam in the 10th anniversary production of Mamma Mia! On the eve of commencing rehearsals, he shared scariest moment of his theatre career with Stage Whispers.

Avenue Q

Coming to a street in Australia and New Zealand near you.

By David Spicer

Geoffrey Rush for Melbourne and Sydney Stages

Geoffrey Rush will be seen on both Sydney and Melbourne stages in 2010. He appears in the MTC's Australian premiere of Broadway musical The Drowsy Chaperone in January, then revives his great Company B collaboration with Neil Armfield with a return of Diary of a Madman at Belvoir Street in December.

Geoffrey Rush told Stage Whispers that he first became aware of The Drowsy Chaperone during his Tony Award winning season of Exit the King on Broadway.

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